Siamese Fighting Fish Fact Sheet
There are several species in the genus Betta, but the best known and most spectacular is the Siamese Fighting Fish; Betta splendens; the splendid Betta. This fish comes from Thailand and the old name of Thailand was Siam. Other names for this fish are: Japanese Fighting Fish, Samarai Fighting Fish, Chinese Fighting Fish and Mexican fighting Fish. The Cambodian Fighting Fish is a colour variety of this fish. If you put two males together they will usually fight after going through a display. The display seems to be part of the fish's method of recognising the sex of the other fish. In a limited space like a small aquarium a fight would usually end with one fish dead. In Thailand fish fights are staged with betting on the outcome. This is a traditional sport which is now illegal in Thailand, although this does not mean that it never occurs. Females can be put together with each other and one male in a reasonable sized aquarium. Usually there is no serious trouble b...